Association Business: Committees

The education committee evaluates the needs of the MASA membership and develops an educational strategy (CME/non CME activities) designed to promote ongoing learning and the development of best practices in the ambulatory health care environment in Michigan.

Administrative – Ken Hammer, Chair, Kay Holma, Martha Hammond, Jennifer Cornell, Shauna Hutchinson
Billing & Coding – Brenda Zuiderveen, Erica Fletcher, Jodi Moody, Mary Hansen
Materials – Dan Good, Lynn Roland
Clinical – Cara Erickson, Dawn McLennon

The legislative committee works closely with the MASA lobbyist and board to preview and advise on introduced legislations, attend legislative committee meetings, assist in drafting any amendment language and attend meetings with key legislators on behalf of MASA issues.

Ryan Burtka – Lobbyist
Tina Piotrowski, Jonathan Dunford, Andrew Gwinnell

The Membership Committee serves to represent and monitor the needs of the membership and ensure a vital membership organization. Working closely with the Executive Director the committee works to develop strategies to enhance the membership for both the general and vendor memberships. Additionally, the committee will develop and implement strategies to retain and recruit facility and vendor members.


The Communication Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a program of activities that will keep the members and the outside public aware of the activities of MASA and of member’s significant progress and achievements. This includes working with the other MASA committees on content development for MASA Marketing, Member-focused communications, Legislative / Community outreach and media relations initiatives.

Shauna Hutchinson MSN, RN, Tina Piotrowski, President MASA