10:00 am Registration Opens
10:30 am MASA Business Session
10:45 am The most wonderful time of the year: Someone help me COPE! – Gwen Kapcia
12:00 noon Lunch
12:45 pm Break
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Breakout sessions
Administrative: Credentialling, Who, What, Why and When? – Nyleen I. Flores, BA, FMSP, CPMSM, CPCS, CPCO, CASC, Administrator, Lake Oconee Orthopedics
Clinical: New electronic CSOS requirements – Debra Geroux, Esq., Butzel Long Attorneys at Law
Billing/Coding: Coding for Anterior Segment Surgery, Clint Simpson, MD
Materials: Cardinal allocation, Roundtable Fluids and Allocations